Saturday, November 28, 2009

Wilmot Ride: Abundant Sunshine

"Abundant sunshine."  I do not recall seeing such descriptive text on a forecast, but abundant sunshine sounded pretty good so Ryan and I made plans to ride today.  For no particular reason we decided to ride southeast.  Before heading out from Ryan's place we looked at a map and decided to do a loop out to Wilmot and back from Apple Creek.  We made a general plan of what roads to take and headed out.

The sunshine was indeed abundant and combined with temperatures in the upper 40's, it was a comfortable day for riding in a long sleeve wool jersey.  We rode east into Stark County on Harrison Rd. before turning south to Wilmot.  A short section of gravel road brought us across a low area and we soon found Wilmot. 

We hooked up with TR606 in Holmes County to come back west.  It was a nice township road with many well kept Amish farms lining the way.  We saw many, many more livestock than cars or people along the way.

Ryan trying to explain our route options
while I'm messing with the camera.

We intended to turn onto the Holmes County equivalent of Criswell Road to ride back north, but we ended up in Fredericksburg and road northeast to get back home.  These few extra miles gave us about 40 for the day.  I find it suprising that we still find new, unridden roads within short distance of our homes.  TR606 felt like it was "way out there" but we road its entire length on a little 40 mile ride.

I wonder how many more rides we will have this year in abundant sunshine with temperatures in the 40's... of course I've been wondering this same thing for the past month and the mild weather continues.

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