Saturday, September 1, 2012

Manatoc Re-Experienced

For the second year I made it to the Manatoc Experience.  Last year I couldn't spell it correctly. Unfortunately this year Ryan was not able to make it.  Right up to the morning of the event I debated if I was going to fly solo or wait until next year for a re-visit.  These trails at Camp Manatoc are only open to the public once a year.  I'm glad I went.

After paying the $5 entry fee I parked in the gravel lot near the boy-scout's lodge.  There was a good crowd assembled for the festival. A lot of people were there to ride and every few minutes I saw bikes headed towards the trail.  As I pulled my gear out of the car I saw OCC rider Keith Feeman riding circles in the parking lot on his new Groovy bike.  We headed out with his friend Lisa for a lap of the course.

Keith's custom Groovy hardware.

I quickly realized I have not been on my Paragon for many weeks. The squish up front felt comfy but inaccurate at the same time.  I frequently found myself unnecessarily attempting to soak up roots and transitions.  The new carbon bars may have also contributed to the added comfort, I know they did in terms of sweep angle.

Part way into the lap I jumped on with Ryan Knopf and Mike Chapman.  We finished the lap together and meet up with some of the other Soupcan guys near the festival area.  I felt pretty good on the first lap and was enjoying the fast course conditions.  Just like everywhere else around, it's been dry at Camp Manatoc.

Starting my second lap.

I headed out on a second lap following Jason, Wes, Mike, and another guy I do not know.  It was good to ride with faster riders and see their lines.  I lost contact in the second half of the course but enjoyed the ride.

Back to the car I was about to dismount my bike when asked by several ladies if I could take their picture.  Rather than use one of their phones I took the picture with my camera and promised to email it to them. We chatted after I took the picture and they headed out for a lap.  It was nice to meet some new people on mountain bikes and I'm glad the picture came out well.

Smiles for the upcoming miles.

Forgetting about demo rides, I changed clothes and stashed my bike and gear in the car.  I walked over to the expo and had a look through the displays.  I guess I didn't really have a need to demo ride as I'm not bike shopping in the near future.

The expo area.

Trek and Felt were the manufacturers at the expo as well as a couple bike shops.  There were some interesting things to see.

The Trek booth.
A Kona fatbike at a shop's booth.
I met a guy and his Karate Monkey, the only
one I saw today.
Found a sweet cross bike for you Ryan!
All the while a log pull event was in progress.

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