After making it back to Messner Rd, Ryan turned right and I turned left to head home. I thought to myself "about five miles to get home... or maybe I'll take a detour, it is really nice out." As it turns out, I thought this to myself several times and ended up tacking on another 10 to 15 miles. Sunshine and slightly warmer weather sure can be motivating. Working around the house the rest of the day my legs were feeling pretty heavy. Must have done something useful out on that bike ride.
I always like this old barn back off Kister Road, near the Mill.
Tomorrow Ryan and I plan to work on a rack for the back of the truck that will be used for our trip to Boone in mid April. This was part of the truck cap purchase last fall. I'll have to take some pictures once the rack setup is completed and installed.
Arron, If you would like I could give you a great list of gravel and dirt roads, some of the best riding in wayne and Holmes countys. I also know where some are in Stark Summit and Tusc.